Summer research planning is underway 🚀
Questions I ask myself:
1. What are my expectations?
Who is expecting what from me? This includes anyone from my advisor, internship supervisor, organization, or my own self-imposed research goals. It’s important to rank and prioritize these accordingly.
2. What is feasible?
Follow up questions to this include: what else am I juggling during this time period that will take time away from research? What are my priorities for this quarter? Are my research goals feasible considering all my priorities? Don’t forget your YOU time when considering and ranking priorities! You can’t pour from an empty bucket.
With the information above, you can then determine your SMART goals.
Here is the SMART format:
S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevant
T - time based/constricted
This is just one facet of my summer planning! I also spend time planning my academic, and personal goals out for the summer period.
Happy planning!
Planned App: Success Wiz (testing it out)